How long does it take for leather to dry? [7-step drying guides]

How long does it take for leather to dry? Leather always adds a touch of sophistication to our wardrobes and homes. And although leather is exceptionally durable, it is, in a way, fragile. For example, leather doesn’t like being wet. So when you get your favorite jacket drenched or leather shoes soaked, you need to act. Properly drying your leather accessories is paramount. But is it a long, complicated process or just a breeze?

In this guide, I am going to give you the answer to the question in the headline. Also, you’ll get a guide on how to properly dry leather bags or shoes so that they live a long and happy life.

how long does it take for leather to dry
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Average time for leather to be completely dry

For smaller leather items like gloves or wallets, the drying period typically spans 24 to 48 hours. Leather shoes, owing to their intricate design and multiple layers, might take a bit longer, ranging from 48 to 72 hours.

The substantial thickness of a leather jacket can extend the leather drying period further, often requiring 72 hours or more to get completely dry.

These are rough estimates, and the actual leather drying time hinges on variables such as environmental factors, the extent of leather wetness, and the type of leather involved.

Guides to dry leather

Countless items can be made of leather. Starting from leather gloves and purses and finishing with leather jackets and coats (to say nothing about leather furniture.) Below, you will find the guides to drying 2 major leather wardrobe items: shoes and bags.

These leather items often get into a wet predicament and need some TLC as soon as possible. So my easy step-by-step instructions will come in handy.

Drying a leather shoe

Every one of us at one point got their leather shoes wet whether upon encountering unexpected rain or a thorough cleaning session. Drying a leather shoe correctly is crucial to maintaining its shape and quality. Here’s a step-by-step manual to ensure your leather shoe dries seamlessly:

Step #1. Remove excess moisture:

  • Use a clean cloth to gently blot away any visible water on the leather surface of the shoes.
  • To get rid of the dirt, you may use saddle soap that gently but thoroughly cleanses leather.
  • Avoid using direct heat sources like hairdryers, as excessive heat can damage the leather.

Step #2. Unlace and open up:

  • Remove the shoelaces to allow better air circulation inside the shoes.
  • Open up the shoes, ensuring they are not sealed shut, to promote faster leather drying.

Step #3. Stuff with newspaper:

  • Crumple newspaper and stuff it inside the shoes. Let it absorb moisture effectively and help maintain the shoe’s shape.
  • Replace the newspaper as it becomes damp to enhance drying.

Step #4. Air dry in a well-ventilated area:

  • Place the shoes in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated space. Avoid direct sunlight, as prolonged exposure can lead to discoloration.
  • Allow the shoes to air dry naturally, giving them ample time to regain their original texture.

Step #5. Use leather conditioner:

  • Once the shoes are mostly dry, apply a thin layer of leather conditioner to replenish lost oils and maintain suppleness. Conditioning leather is a critical step of the drying process.
  • Gently rub the leather conditioner onto the leather surface using a soft cloth.

Step #6. Use shoe polish if necessary:

  • If your shoes require additional care, use a high-quality shoe polish on the dry leather. Shoe polish helps restore the shine of the leather. Besides, shoe polish protects leather against future wet accidents.

Step #7. Do a final check:

  • Ensure the shoes dry completely before wearing them to prevent any discomfort or potential damage.
  • Run your hand inside to verify the dry leather and ensure there’s no residual interior moisture.

By following these steps, you’ll not only expedite the drying but also ensure your shoes emerge from the experience in prime condition, ready to be worn again.

Drying a leather bag

Whether it’s a sudden rain shower or an accidental spill, a wet or damp leather bag can be a cause for concern.

To ensure your leather bag dries thoroughly without compromising its integrity, follow this guide:

1. Empty the leather bag:

  • Remove all contents from the bag to facilitate an even drying procedure and prevent potential damage to the contents.

2. Blot extra water from leather:

  • Use a clean and dry cloth to gently blot away any visible water on the surface of the leather item. Patience is key in this step.
  • If you need to clean the bag more thoroughly, you may use saddle soap as it’s a special product designed to deal with genuine leather. Saddle soap is a very effective cleaning agent because it’s supposed to clean the saddles that happen to get dirty often.

3. Open pockets and compartments:

  • Ensure all pockets, zippers, and compartments are open to allow air circulation inside the bag.

4. Air dry in a cool, dry area:

  • Place the bag in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated space. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight or heat sources, as these can cause leather to lose its natural oils and texture.

5. Stuff with soft material:

  • Fill the bag with soft materials such as crumpled newspapers or towels. This helps the leather item maintain its shape while absorbing internal moisture.

6. Rotate and check regularly:

  • Rotate the bag periodically to ensure all sides are exposed to the air for uniform drying.
  • Regularly check the stuffing material inside the bag and replace it with dry alternatives as needed.

7. Apply leather conditioner:

  • Once the leather bag is mostly dry, apply a thin layer of leather conditioner. Restoring hydration is an important function of leather conditioner. One more goal of the leather conditioner is to keep the leather supple.
  • Use a clean, soft cloth to gently rub the leather conditioner into the leather. Using a leather conditioner is a critical part of the process. Leather conditioner is your guarantee that the dry leather of the bag will still look presentable.
  • Before using the leather item again, make sure the bag is completely dried.

By adhering to these steps, you’ll effectively preserve the quality of your leather bag, ensuring not only dry leather but also a stylish and timeless leather look.

Don’t do that! Common mistakes to avoid when drying leather

Preserving the quality of your leather items during the drying is crucial, and steering clear of common mistakes can make all the difference. Here are some “Don’t do that!” tips to ensure your leather dries without any hiccups.

Avoid direct heat

Excessive heat can cause leather to lose its natural oils, leading to cracks and stiffness. Opt for air drying in a cool, well-ventilated area instead.

Say no to sunbathing

Don’t expose leather items to direct sunlight for extended periods. While sunlight aids in drying, prolonged exposure can result in discoloration and damage to the leather’s texture.

Refrain from using high heat settings

Don’t set radiators or heaters on high.

Rapid heated drying can cause the leather to become brittle and prone to cracks.

Opt for a gradual leather drying.

Steer clear of sudden changes in temperature

Avoid exposing wet leather to extreme temperature changes. Rapid shifts from hot to cold or vice versa can cause the leather to warp and lose its original shape.

Don’t skip the blotting step

When you dry leather, don’t neglect blotting. Skipping this step can prolong the drying period and may lead to water spots on the leather.

Keep leather away from humidity

Don’t store wet or damp leather items in humid conditions. Humidity can contribute to mold growth and further damage the leather. Ensure a dry leather storage environment.

Refrain from using harsh cleaning products

Don’t use harsh cleaning household products on wet or damp leather. Stick to gentle methods like a clean, damp cloth.

Harsh chemicals can strip away natural oils and harm the leather.

If your leather goods are exceptionally dirty and need to be cleaned, use saddle soap with some warm water. It’s designed specifically for leather saddles and works very gently on leather goods.

Avoid overstuffing bags

Overloading a wet leather bag can alter its shape and lead to deformities. Use an appropriate amount of stuffing to maintain form.

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Patience is the key, and understanding the nuances of the drying process is paramount. Each step, from the careful blotting of excess moisture to the use of leather conditioner, plays a vital role in preserving the integrity of your leather possessions.

By following this guide, you equip yourself with the knowledge to navigate the drying process, ensuring that your leather items emerge from the process not only dry but revitalized and ready for new adventures.


How do you dry leather quickly?

To dry leather quickly, blot excess moisture, use a clean cloth, and allow air drying in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct heat or sunlight, which can damage the leather. Finish with a leather conditioner to nourish the dried leather.

How long does it take for leather to air dry?

The air-drying time for leather varies. Smaller items like gloves may take 24-48 hours, shoes around 48-72 hours, and thicker items like jackets potentially 72 hours or more. Actual time depends on factors like leather thickness and environmental conditions.

Will leather dry if it gets wet?

Yes, leather will dry if it gets wet. Proper drying techniques, such as blotting, air drying, and using a leather conditioner, help maintain the leather’s quality during the drying process.

How long does it take leather to dry after conditioning it?

The time it takes for leather to air dry after the leather conditioner depends on factors like the type of leather conditioner used or the leather’s thickness. Generally, it may take a few hours to a day after conditioning leather for the material to absorb and dry completely.

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