About Me

Hello, I’m Emma Miles – a leather care master with a unique sense of style. My story began with a deep love for classic leather items and a desire to preserve their magnificence over time. From the very beginning, my father was my mentor, teaching me the art of restoration and leather care. 


Over time, I not only deepened my knowledge with traditional methods but also integrated the latest technologies.Today, I’m a sought-after expert capable of reviving and transforming any leather piece. My work is not just about caring for the material; it’s about preserving the beauty, history, and heritage of each item. 

In my blog, I share my experiences, talk about traditional care methods, and incorporate the latest technologies. Here, you’ll find not only tips for leather care but also stories about how each item becomes part of something greater.

Join me on this exciting journey through the world of leather, style, and caring for our beloved possessions!

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