How to remove nail polish from leather? [5 methods] 

How to remove nail polish from leather? Accidents happen. What matters is how we deal with the consequences. What if you spilled some nail polish on your genuine leather couch? Is it possible to remove the stain without damaging this delicate material? In this article,

I’ve described a couple of effective and tested methods of removing nail polish stains from leather furniture.

Read on to find out more.

how to remove nail polish from leather

Removing fresh nail polish stain

Just like with so many things in life time is of utmost importance when you need to safely remove nail polish from your leather couch.

Removing nail polish stains might become quite a challenge because this is no ordinary liquid. When you apply polish to something, it does not just stay on the surface. It penetrates deeper and incorporates itself into the material it covers.

So if you’ve just spilled the polish, you have to act fast before the binds itself to the leather.

If the nail polish stain is fresh, you’re not even going to need any cleaning solutions. You just have to gently dab the stain with a cotton ball or a cotton pad. Your movements must be very precise. Make sure not to wipe, otherwise you’ll just spread the polish over a larger area. Carefully dab the stain with a cotton swab and let the polish soak into the cotton.

But what if the nail polish stain has already dried? Even though this is not ideal, there are still reliable ways of removing nail polish without damaging the leather surface. You’re just gonna need to put a bit more elbow grease into it.

Scrape nail polish stains off

Depending on the size of the dry nail polish smudge you may attempt to carefully scrape it off. The essential thing is to never use any sharp objects and to exercise extreme caution so as not to scratch the leather. A butter knife or a rubber spatula is perfectly suited for this task.

And again, you must be very careful. Push the leather down near the stain and try to shove the dull-bladed knife (or another blunt tool) in between the leather surface and the polish.

Of course, you won’t be able to remove the polish crust in one piece. You’re gonna need to slowly work your way through the stain, by shoving the edge of your tool under the polish and slightly lifting it like a lever.

Eventually, small pieces of the stain will start to chip off.

Keep in mind though that this method works best with thicker stains that don’t cover large surfaces. Thinner nail polish smudges (from a nail polish brush, for instance) form a film on the leather and it’s impossible to scrape them off. At the same time, this method is not useless since you still can cause the nail polish film to crack a bit which will be very helpful later.

How to remove nail polish 2

Leather cleaner

Generally, this is the most effective method. Just use a cleaner suited for furniture. Consult the package.

There are universal leather cleaners out there that function both as a cleaner and a leather conditioner. Those should get the job done. Just spray the cleaner onto the dry stain and wipe it away with circular movements. Read the instructions on the bottle to learn more.

Tip: some cleaners may cause discoloration of certain kinds of leather. So spray a bit of the cleaner on some concealed areas of the sofa before trying to remove the nail polish.

If the leather doesn’t change the color, you can proceed.

What you need to avoid is aggressive industrial cleaners. They will remove the stain but they will also remove the leather dye thus ruining the look of your leather sofa.

Leather cleaners for leather car seats are also not ideal. Usually, leather upholstery in your car is protected with a thin plastic film. It means that generally car leather cleaners are a lot more aggressive and are not suited for your leather couch.

Once you’re done, I advise you to treat the affected area with a leather conditioner. It will prevent further damage and camouflage any possible discoloration. Quite often a leather cleaner and a leather conditioner are sold as a set.

Unfortunately, sometimes the outer layers of leather might get seriously damaged during the cleaning process. This might happen, for example, if your couch is old, or if you didn’t have much experience working with leather before. In this case, you might need to use some shoe polish to mask the spot.

Other methods

Wait! Why don’t I use nail polish remover?

This is a viable idea but you have to be cautious. The thing is that most kinds of nail polish remover contain acetone. Acetone nail polish remover is extremely harmful to genuine leather. Check the composition of the product. If you’re holding in your hand a non-acetone nail polish remover, you’re good to go.

  1. You know the drill. Dip a cotton swab into the non-acetone nail polish remover, and start rubbing the stain. This method is quite effective. Just don’t forget to change cotton swabs. And again, only use non-acetone nail polish remover otherwise you will ruin your couch.
  2. Another method might surprise you. All you’re gonna need is white vinegar and olive oil. Other vegetable oils like linseed oil also fit the task. Pour olive oil and white vinegar into a bowl in a two-to-one ratio. Put some amount of the solution onto the stain. Next, take a soft toothbrush and rub the stain. It may take a few attempts so don’t fret if the polish doesn’t come off right away.
  3. Finally, you can use rubbing alcohol. This method is not as effective as the olive oil one but it still can help you remove those specks of polish that are too big for the brush. Dip a cotton swab into rubbing alcohol and scrub away. Once you’re done remove the excess rubbing alcohol with a damp paper towel.
How to remove nail polish 3


How to remove nail polish from leather? Don’t worry your couch or your favorite leather jacket is not doomed. With a little work and elbow grease you can get rid of the nail polish on leather. For example, a mixture of olive oil and white vinegar works wonders.

Non-DIY solutions, like rubbing alcohol or a non-acetone nail polish remover work even better. If all your attempts fail, hire a professional. These guys are real-life magicians!


How do you get dried nail polish off leather?

You can buy a leather cleaner for this or make a DIY cleaning solution. The secret is to be cautious and to watch out for any serious damage or discoloration. Just don’t use hair spray or acetone-containing products.

Will nail polish remover ruin leather?

It depends on what nail polish remover you use. Check the table of contents and make sure that the polish remover doesn’t contain acetone. Only in this case, you can use it to clean off the nail polish from your couch. Non-acetone remover is perfectly safe for genuine leather.

Does nail polish stay on leather?

Not necessarily. You can remove nail polish from leather completely if you act fast. Rubbing alcohol and other cleaning solutions may help you remove even the old and dried polish.  

Can you use acetone on leather?

Under no circumstances should you use acetone on leather. Acetone is the main enemy of any leather.

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